首页 / 项目动态 / 2022中菲友好交流摄影展(漳州专场)即将启幕,敬请关注!


敬请关注 9月(漳州专场)即将启幕 2022中菲友好交流摄影展  2022 Philippines-China Friendship  Photography Exhibition 由菲律宾驻厦门总领事馆,漳州市文化和旅游局,漳州市归国华侨联合会联合主办,2022 中菲友…

敬请关注 9月(漳州专场)即将启幕


 2022 Philippines-China Friendship

 Photography Exhibition

由菲律宾驻厦门总领事馆,漳州市文化和旅游局,漳州市归国华侨联合会联合主办,2022 中菲友好交流摄影展以中菲两国交流、漳厦双城巡展形式开展。菲律宾是千岛之国,文化也包罗万象。与福建彼此共同的多元文化、海洋文化等元素,进一步促进了中菲两国人民之间的相互了解、共同发展。在2022中菲友好交流摄影展(漳州专场)中,菲律宾摄影师将带来他们在福建生活中寻找与菲律宾文化相似的画面。中菲摄影师近百幅摄影作品中也将充分展示漳州的华侨文化、特色旅游等方面的大发展新风貌。活动旨在巩固和发展中菲友谊,展现中国文化之美。期盼世界友好和平繁荣发展!



Co-sponsored by the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen, the Zhangzhou Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and the Zhangzhou Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the 2022 Philippines-China Friendship Photography Exhibition will take the form of exchanges between China and the Philippines and a tour of the twin cities of Zhangzhou and Xiamen. The Philippines is a country of thousands of islands, and its culture is also all-inclusive. The elements of multiculturalism and maritime culture shared with Fujian will further enhance the mutual understanding and seek common development between the people of China and the Philippines. In the 2022 Philippines- China Friendship Photography Exhibition (Zhangzhou Special Session), Filipino photographers will bring the similarities and connections that they have found and felt from life in Fujian. Nearly 100 photographic works will fully demonstrate Zhangzhou's great development and new style of overseas Chinese cultural characteristics and tourism. The purpose of the event is to consolidate and develop the friendship between the China and the Philippines, and to promote the beauty of Chinese culture. Looking forward for the friendly, peaceful and prosperous development of the world!

The Zhangzhou special session will be held at the Zhangzhou Art Museum on September 6, and the exhibition period will be until September 24.




The 2022 Philippines-

China Friendship

Photography Exhibition

will be held in the cities of

Zhangzhou and Xiamen

respectively on September

and October.

文稿 Edited by:陈素素 LUCY(中国 China)

翻译 Translated by:陈凯祥 (中国 China) 韩诚 HUDAYBERDIYEV BEKDURDY(土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan)

邮箱 Email: 747001284@qq.com

声明 Disclaimer:

1、中菲参展摄影师,排名不分先后。The exhibitors are not in particular order.

2、图文原创,如需采用请联系。All pictures and texts are original, please contact through the above email if you need to use them.

来源:漳州市侨联   发布时间:2022年9月1日 10:03




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邮箱: zhaoshanggang@qq.com
